

I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right group. Sorry if I am not.

I am scheduled to get a hysterectomy on March 16th. I am excited but a little nervous. I have basically been on my period for about 3 months. Non stop bleeding since before Christmas. I'm done having kids, and I am so sick of the blood! So, I talked with my Dr and decided a hysterectomy would be best for me. I'm excited that I don't have to worry about periods anymore. But the surgery makes me a little nervous. Well, not the surgery itself, but the healing afterwards.

After my c-section in October last year I developed a really bad infection and I had to have surgery to remove it. It was a huge hole in my stomach that had to heal. I now have this huge ugly scar from it.

I'm hopeful it doesn't but worried that it will happen again.

Fingers crossed for sure. Has anyone experienced anything like this before?