Lesbian is judgemental of Bisexuals.


I started a new job a few weeks back. There is a lesbian that I work with, we get along well, we've actually become quite close. Well today we were talking and got on the subject of sexuality. I personally do not care what sexuality someone is as long as they are happy I don't see the big deal. But, come to find out, she is 100% judgemental of bisexuals, she doesn't 'agree' with it and thinks it's 'wrong'. She feels like anyone who is bi shouldn't be with anyone.

This is the first time I have ever heard a person who should know how it feels to be judged judging someone else. And honestly i think shes kinda being hypocritical. Anyways, im just curious if anyone else has ever met a gay/lesbian who didn't agree with bisexuals, and to see what everyone else thinks about the matter.