Beta hcg


Hello good afternoon. So according to one of the ob doctors over at the clinic I go to , is very certain I am having a non viable pregnancy due to my numbers. Plus around 5weeks plus some, they only seen a gestational sac that measured 8mm. But there was no yolk sac. They said my numbers were rising but not doubling and this is something they would see in a abnormal pregnancy. According to my LMP I should be 7 weeks. According to the scan I had last week , it said I was about 3-4 days behind. I go for another ultrasound tomorrow. They were really quick to ask me if I even wanted to keep this appt because that it would be no point. I haven’t had any bleeding or severe cramping. Boobs hurt like hell and feel like two heavy rocks lol 😂. Also my betas on Friday were 5367.2 , and yesterday it was 7732.9. They were also asking if I wanted to schedule a d&c 🥺. Ik so worried because I’ve never had any problem with my pregnancies. No miscarriages. No d&c no anything. I’m putting this in gods hands because there is nothing I can do. Oh alsoooooo, my progesterone had went from 21 to 13 in a matter of a week. The doctor did not want to put me on it whatsoever. But I wouldn’t keep my mouth shut until they did. Ugh 😩😞🥺 has anyone had anything similar happen and then every thing turns out fine?