should i be irritated ?

so my mil wanted me take my 9mo old son to this doctor (a specialist) so i did so i could stop hearing her. (she claims she hears my son breathe a weird way) i’m w my son 25/8. she gets him for 1hr 3 days out the week and claims she hears something and i NEVER HAVE. his pediatrician says he’s fine , this doctor says he’s FINE which i paid 200$ to see. i come home tell her what they say and it’s like 3 weeks later she’s calling them asking what the doctor said. a number kept calling today i finally answered and they said she’s asking for the information but they need my permission in order to tell her anything. i said yea it’s fine. but i’m just irritated bc i already told her what he said. and she’s just overstepping it’s so irritating to me.