Should I reach out again?

I was talking to this guy that I met on Facebook. I don’t usually entertain men on social media but we started texting and the conversation just continued naturally. He’s 23 (I’m 20) and he told me that he has a child but he is no longer with the mother. He asked if that was a deal breaker for me and I told him not at all. We started talking about making date plans. We actually talked until 6am and then we went to sleep. The next night, I texted him and he didn’t respond. I just said “hey, are you up?” because I was up and high and wanted to talk to him. He texted me back at 5am and said “nah”.... that was yesterday and we haven’t spoken since. I don’t want to reach out again and feel like I’m bothering him but I do want to talk to him. He was active on Facebook all day today and yesterday and didn’t say anything to me. Should I just take it as him being uninterested?