Nurse consultation

Hi ladies, we have our nurse consultation next Thursday. Any idea what we will be doing. Do they go threw meds etc? And sign forms. What's the next step after that

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Can you give some context as to what you've done so far?At my nurse visit for ivf, she taught me how to mix meds and give injections. At my dr consult, they went over medical history and told me which tests we would be doing and what treatment plans are available depending on results.


Fearless • Mar 5, 2021
Ok, so yeah, she'll teach you how to mix and administer your shots. If you haven't signed consent paperwork, they'll go over that too. After that, it's just waiting for your period to start the cycle


Pio • Mar 5, 2021
So we have done everything so far. Bloods hcg tests lh tests etc. We no we are doing icsi as we have low smerm count. So our next step was the nurse consultation. At our last doctors visit he gave us the list of meds and the paperwork that we need to sign so I think were up to date on everything else.