Are your parents friends with your in laws??

My MIL just informed me that’s she’s pissed my mom never calls and talks to her or takes her out to lunch (my MIL never calls my mom either though) . I’m super confused because no one I know is friends beyond the usual social niceties of obligatory family obligations. Birthday parties, weddings, funerals or whatever but apparently my mom is ruining her life (she’s a drama queen) by not taking time to call her at least once a week and gossip. For the record my MIL never even calls me (except to tell me she’s pissed apparently??) The last correspondence I got from her was a birthday text 2 years ago. I don’t know why she thinks my mom wants to talk with her.

So now I’m wondering if your parents being best friends is normal and I’ve been living in some sort of alternate universe my whole life lol

Anyone out there whose parents are buddy buddy with your in laws??

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