Progesterone shot


I had my 3rd FET. We transferred a normal tested little girl embryo!! Prayers that it is my time to become a mother and have a miracle baby!

This time with my progesterone shots, I am really sore and I have knots (if that’s what you want to call it) under the injection sites. I’m making myself nervous and worried about them not working correctly. Has anyone else experienced this?? And if so, what can I do to help?

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I use a tennis ball after the shot and massage it over the injection. It limits knots and my nurse said it help spread the progesterone.


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Happy PUPO!


Sarah • Mar 5, 2021
Thank you!


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Doing shots in my hips instead of my backside helped so much!!


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That probably means you’re doing it right. Most of us end up with knots and pain. My nerves are still shot, and I’m months away from my last injection. Happy PUPO!


Sarah • Mar 4, 2021
Okay, that makes me feel better! Thank you!