Did I scare him??

So I met this guy 7 months ago. We started talking everyday but both of us agreed to keep it causal. I don’t want a relationship and neither does he. He always joked that I’d catch feelings but I said no because I just don’t fall for anyone lol. But we went from talking daily, morning to night..to basically a couple times a week, only when I initiate it. I asked what’s up and he said he’s just dealing with a lot, doesn’t want to talk about it and he’s taking a break from everything. But he views all my Snapchat and Instagram stories. I’ve been keeping distant, only contacting him every 4-5 days to see how he’s doing because I genuinely care about him. The other day I said “hey I miss talking to you but hope everything’s going ok” and his response was “hey you, you didn’t start talking to anyone else?” And I was like no I’m not looking for that nor do I have the time or energy. (I hate talking stages) Then he asked me again if I’m talking to someone and want a relationship and I said no I’m fine single. So I’m just confused about whether he thought I had feelings for him so he backed off or if he’s actually busy with stuff. But I miss him as a friend and don’t know if I should just go ask him about everything or continue giving him space. I feel like it shouldn’t be this complicated but guys hate talks like that.