Partner not helping

I’m really over my relationship.. I have started to notice.. all my partner does is hound me.

She engaged me on Christmas Day.. and now she won’t stop asking for a 4 grand ring she wants.. but I’m so poor.. I don’t have a lot of money as I am a mum to a 14 month old. I don’t work full time anymore. I work once a week.

All she does is hound me about it.. then cracks it at me. I’m getting used to her being shitty at me daily for something and I’m starting to get sick of it..

she doesn’t offer to help financially with any of the bills or our child’s things she needs. Nothing.

I even told her lastnight how I’m so stressed with money lately, and she didn’t even say anything about it.

The other night she made her self dinner and didn’t even ask if I wanted any..

Last night she cooked steak and didn’t even get me knife and folk out just herself and was already eating while I was putting my baby to bed.

I just feel like I’m so alone. I do everything on my own. She lives at my house and doesn’t pay a cent but it’s apprently my fault ..

she always has excuses as to why it’s my fault ..

Anyone else been with someone like this?