My boobs are done, i think

Sarah • Wife, Momma to my Nora and new son Luca.

So I’ve been exclusively pumping since my little guy was 2 weeks old. I pumped with my daughter too (she’s 3.5 now)

I wanted to nurse so bad with him because I tried with my daughter and it was soooo hard, she wouldn’t latch. But with him we had a bad latch that I tried to correct but couldn’t. My nipples were bleeding and good, ouch.

Anyway at 11 months now my supply has noticeably started to drop quite a bit. I was pumping 46 ounces a day (still have a great freezer stash) but now I’m doing around 25 ounces a day.

I doubt I’m going to fully have him on cows milk right at the 12 month mark. Would you guys continue to pump or just use the freezer stash and hope it carries us a little past 12 months to help the transition??

Btw my husband always jokes that every time he sees me I’m pumping lol. 😂

A part of me wants to stop but a part of me doesn’t because it means the baby phase is over ☹️

What would you do??