I had 4 embryos and 2 didn’t take

I had 4 embryos and so far 2 didn’t take (I fresh and 1 frozen) (all untested)

I wanted to do another round of stims to get more embryos and get them tested by my insurance is making us use the other 2 embryos before they will cover another round of stims.

I’m pretty upset because I’m afraid if I do another FET it’s going to fail. And I have to do 2 FET because my doctor won’t put two embryos in.

Anyone have any words of wisdom or success stories after 2 failed transfers

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I was going to ask about an ERA as well to make sure they are implanting at the correct time.


Posted at
Did you have an ERA? Many doctors won’t transfer two unless you’re over 35 or they have other reason to suspect failure is likely. Hope the next one sticks for you!