Needing To Vent 🥺


Hi Mamas When I Was 14 Weeks My NIPT Test Came Back That My Baby Had Trisomy 18 %6 Chance Witch Is Low And When I Went To See My High Risk Doctor The Next Day My Nurse Did Mention That There Was More Test We Could Do To Confirm The Diagnosis Such As An Amnio And Told Me My Doctor Would Bring It Up But Never Did Today I Had An Appointment At 35 Weeks And 6 Days And I Saw A Completely Different Doctor Witch I’m Greatfull For This Doctor Assumed Me And My Original Doctor Talked about The Amnio (Witch We Never Did) This New Doctor Looked Surprised He Told Me That Was The Only Way Of Knowing For A Fact If My Baby Had It Or Not Then He Told Me There Is Nothing We Can Do Now But Wait Tell He Is Born To Find Out Rather He Has It Or Not The Amnio Should Have Been Done Around 20 Something Weeks I’m Almost 36 Weeks My Heart Hurts And I’m So Angry That The Original Doctor That I See Didn’t Bring It Up To Me Like He Should Have! Knowing My Baby Boy Might Be Sick And Not Knowing Is Hard I’m Not Prepared For This How Would You Mamas Feel If This Happened To You Or What Would You Mamas Do Am I Over Reacting Please Help 😩