Being away from family?


If anyone has had a similar experience I would love some advice...

My husband and I moved from AK to WA because of his work, distancing us from my family. We now have a daughter and I would love for my family to be a part of her life, however my husband's job may need him to relocate again to another state and we may not be able to go back to AK to be near my family.

How do I get rid if this guilt I feel? I feel like I owe my mother to let her know her oly granddaughter and my sister's know their only niece. Part of me knows I will find friends and a new support group in our new state but another part of me feels dread that I cant share my life with my mom any more like I used to... The year I have spent away from her has been difficult and I miss my family very much. But I know that my husband and daughter are my family now and I should be happy with that.
