The cherry ontop..

I’m feeling very depressed, angry, resentful, hurt...My husband didn’t even go with me to my Grandfathers funeral last week..and last night when he could have came home from work, he chose to to stay to drink and gamble..he does not do this often, but still..I’m very torn up over the loss of my Grandfather and I get that being away from home for work makes it hard for him to be here physically for me but I just can’t live this way anymore..It’s a few other things but all of this just takes the cake. I really don’t want this anymore..

I wanted to add that I’m just venting. I don’t really want or need to hear that I need to talk to him about how I’m feeling because I already have, numerous times. He’s always making promises he can’t or won’t keep, always pretending like everything is ok when it isn’t, or making it seem like certain conversations haven’t feelings never get acknowledged..all he does it apologize or say he’s sorry he doesn’t make me happy..I’m so tired and hurt.