VBAC Success


After 12 hours in observation at 830pm on the 25th due to decreased movement we were admitted on the 26th to begin an induction. The doctors had to decide what to do whether to let me do a VBAC before so I was nervous about that but then the doctor came in with a balloon and a bag of pictocin and said “I hear you want a VBAC!” After 12 more hours of the balloons being in I was 6cm so they stopped the pictocin for a bit to give the baby a rest. Once we started again after contractions were going good on my own I jumped to 8cm which is when they broke my water. Not even 10 mins later it was time to push. My epidural ran out right before so I was going in feeling majority of it. But after 30 mins of pushing little man arrived. No tearing either which was amazing and all the nurses and doctors were excited to meet us since majority of the vbac moms resort to csection so that was comforting. I would 100% recommend a VBAC!!! It was amazing to get that experience and I’d do it again.

Daniel Kellen

Born Feb 27th at 9:23am

6lbs 14oz

19 3/4in long
