Would you be upset

I’m a little pissed right now at my husband.

We have been spending most weekends that we have free with a set of friends. But we don’t really fit in with them; they are about 10 years younger than us and all they want to do is drink. The guy friend doesn’t even do anything with his kids when he has them every other weekend much. And when they plan vacations it’s always around when he does not have his kids.

My husband and I always include my daughter on vacations. And always have her. Well a few weeks ago my husband and I got into a very horrible fight. I reached out to the girl friend and was just seeking someone to listen to me and hear me out. Instead she told us to just right it out. And of course he called the guy friend her boyfriend and he immediately called me telling me that they both said I was crazy and etc. so naturally upset I texted the girl “what? He said y’all said I’m crazy?” She said no I didn’t say no such thing. Over. My husband can be super childish. But anyway, fast forward about 4 days maybe I posted an image on Facebook that said something along the lines of a real friend will pray for you not talk about you (this was in regards to something not even remotely close to that situation OR the friends - at all) the girl must have had a guilty conscience because she immediately went off saying she’s not fake blah blah blah. Whoa okay lol. My husband said they need to grow up, and agreed that if she thought it was about her then she felt bad about something. We haven’t seen them since before that big fight but I’ve talked to her a couple times. She told me she wasn’t mad. Today my husband asked if they wanted to go out to eat for dinner and I guess they said no.

My husband, already mad that the doctor didn’t do anything for his stopped ear except write a prescription and then got mad about the pharmacy not having them ready for 3 more hours - went OFF ON ME telling me it’s my fault, they don’t like me, I “came along” and made him lose a friend. Excuse me?? If this dude was a true friend in any form he wouldn’t wait til my husband calls or texts him to talk. Right? It wasn’t my fault that they don’t wanna do anything. This is bullshit. The only thing this guy wants to do is get drunk and place bets on sports games. My husband and I don’t drink. I just don’t see how this is my fault. When my husband agreed and actually states himself that they need to grow up and realize what’s important.

But nah... totally my fault. So I left. And I don’t know if I even want to come home today. He’s been so petty lately my blood pressure is through the roof! You shouldn’t talk to your wife like that like a bipolar mood swing after you’ve been perfect all morning just cause someone doesn’t wanna hang. And to tell me no one likes me, just wow