I just kind of need to vent

So my family have had this dog, Hades, for 16 long years. He's getting old, his legs/hips are going out, he can't hear, his eyes are cloudy and he can't control his bowels anymore. We live in a very rural area and it isn't uncommon for people to handle these things on their own. It was suggested that since my boyfriend has a tractor we bring Hades here to my house and lay him to rest. I feel this is brutal and suggested that we go to the vet and go that route. So now my father and mother are throwing the task of calling around and getting euthanasia quotes. I'm 14 weeks pregnant and these feelings are very raw.. it's extremely difficult to speak to anyone with out tears choking me. This dog is suffering and it is his time. I've accepted that fact and knew this day was coming. But if I'm being honest it feels like they're all throwing the dirty work on me and causing me extra stress while pregnant. I'm sure this isn't the intent, but I can't help but feel this way. It's not difficult to pick up a phone and call for themselves. Now maybe this sounds extremely cold and selfish, but I've been out of the house for over 5 years. I do love Hades, and he has been in the family for over 16 years but I can't help but feel this isn't ultimately my responsibility. I do believe I should be involved and there for his final breath but the task of finding the means shouldn't be placed completely on me. At this point I'm just venting. I'm hurt, emotional and pregnant. All these feelings are amplified.

Edit: just because my boyfriend has a tractor doesn't mean he's going to "squish" Hades. The tractor is to dig a hole to lay him to rest.