What would you think/do?

So where do I begin🤦🏼‍♀️ my bf and I have been together almost 3 years. I am 21 years old I have a 18 month old son and a 3 month old daughter. So I’ve been pregnant since 2019. Before I had my son I worked full time and overtime 100-96 hours every 2 weeks. I had my son and got a part time job when he was 3 months to be able to still be his mother and raise him. When he was 8 months I got pregnant again continued to work full time grow another baby and take care of my son. After having my daughter ive has severe postpartum depression. I’ve tried to lull myself one time and failed thankfully. My bf has been awful to me in my opinion. When I was crying one day having a episode he told me my depression was fake and just a excuse to be a bitch. Mind you I have stayed home this whole time and she’s colic and acid reflux very severe. So been rough. Plus my toddler. Then just last we he told me my body didn’t bounce back as good after my second one. I’m 3 months out and weigh the exact weifht I weighed when I found out I was pregnant with her. Then now he is saying if he was with the kids he would take them out not sit at home with them and complain. I agree taking them out would be great. But sometimes it’s hard to take a 3 month old needy fussy baby and a toddler “out to eat” as he said he would do. Or to the park. Especially with depression that really keeps me down a lot. I have low energy. I’ve had nobody to pick me up throughout this time in my life. I’m lucky I’m still here. Even after my failed attempt. So I just need input am I dramatic or is this guy very toxic? I cry a lot and feel worthless.

He also said “well at least I have a job” my daughter is 3 months!!!! I just got a brand new job at a hospital I start Monday. This has been so hard on me to stay strong living with someone who always makes me feel like I’m less.

Also this is me and this is my tummy currently after my daughter.