Everyone around me

My friend just told me today she’s pregnant. Yesterday I was drilled by almost a complete stranger about how many kids I want and when we’re going to start trying. My co workers asked me numerous times if I knew that our 19 year old co worker had a baby. I’m furious and beyond hurt. My fiancé and I have been trying for well over a year. Prescription after test with no luck. We bought a house and are getting married in 2 months yet 3 of our friends are pregnant living in their parent or grandparents basements. It hurts. I’ve tried to do everything right. I’m trying my best to be happy for these new babies and I just can’t think about it without crying my eyes out. Why do people with poorer living situations get pregnant with ease? Why is it so hard for me? What am I or have I done wrong. Why am I bleeding for more than 2 weeks out of the month every single month. When will it be my turn? I’ve had to continuously tell myself I don’t want children anymore just to be able to make it through some days. I don’t know what else to do but I cannot take this pain anymore