This is more of a vent than anything but helpful suggestions are welcome!

At 12w I was told my blood test showed low PAPP-A and at 22w I was diagnosed with GDM. At my weekly diabetes appointments, any time I had high bgl’s I was told to reduce my carb intake or not eat that type of carb etc. to lower my bgl, so I did. I kept eating carbs but just made sure I didn’t eat too many each meal, as per what I was told.

I’m now 28w and told I have a baby with IUGR (which may be because of the PAPP-A). At my weekly diabetes appointment this week, I asked the endocrinologist to check my file before putting me on insulin (for fasting levels) and she referred me to a dietitian because I’m not eating enough carbs in a day!! I’m happy that it has been picked up and there’s time to amend it but feel like all the previous direction I was given meant my body was not feeding my baby enough! I’m a first time mum and between the IUGR, all the back and forth with different drs and appointments, and managing GDM, this pregnancy has been quite stressful!