Male infertility, IVf journey, partner is ghosting

Anita • ❤️

Hi all,

I desperately need your advise.

Me and my partner (age 32,41) been together for 10 years with a half a year gap when he found out that he has low count and morphology.

We have started our <a href="">IVF</a> journey in 2020. (NHS founded) We have eggs and sperm frozen in the clinic and my body is prepared for a FET transfer. ( he knows about it ) They are creating the embryos on Tuesday but after an argument (fertility related) with my partner he has stopped responding my calls and messages. (Checks them) It’s nearly two months now. ( he is abroad for work ) I had a scan appointment on Thursday and I was thinking to cancel the founding but he has signed all the papers and I am ready to use his sperm as he signed his consent that I can use it any time.

I don’t know what to do ?! I have emailed , called, texted but no respond back to him. Told him many times if he wants to cancel it let me know... nothing! He know what I am doing as he checks my messages.

I am scared to cancel it but scared to go ahead as I am worried to be left as a single mum.

If I cancel I might regret. Don’t know what to do ? :(