Was this sexual assault or coercion?

This is going to be kinda long but i need peoples opinions.

Okay so this just happened a couple hours ago and i don’t know how to feel about it. So i have had a boyfriend for almost 3 years on and off, and today we were hanging out as usual and we started making out (i was okay with it). As it progressed, he wanted me to jack him off which i was fine with and he began to do stuff to me. i did not mind it at first until he was starting to pressure me into having sex without a condom on. although i am on the pill, i want to be extra careful so i told him no. he got kind of irritated about it and was trying to convince me but i kept telling him no. after he began pressuring me i immediately wanted to stop and didn’t want him to touch me any longer because i did not like how he was talking to me. i didn’t say “no” to him fingering me but he could definitely tell i was really uncomfortable with it. i said to him that i didn’t really want him to touch me down there but if he wanted to still be grabby with me (like grab my boobs or butt) then that was fine (i told him that i did not want him fingering me tho). he kept responding with “well i want to” and continued to finger me even tho i was obviously uncomfortable and wanted him to stop. i don’t know if it is sexual assault because i did not specifically say the word “no” but i just wanted to know what everyone else thought. it’s hard to tell what is considered sexual assault or not. i know a lot of people have a lot worse experiences than i have but i just wanted to know peoples opinions.