Money help/savings/advice

I am 26 years old I am about to move out with my oarents but just want to make sure I have a good amount of money saved.

Basically I have 13,000 saved as my long term savings and put away money into that each month.

I also have 4,100 saved to help out with light renovation (painting, rugs, couch, etc.) when I move in with my boyfriend. He just bought a house. I don’t plan to use all of that money as it is really his house and he is paying for a majority of everything.

I also have some money stashed away for my car in case I ever need new tires, oil change I can’t afford, etc. that’s about 400. And then some money for or big grocery trip/essentials for when I move out. Like spices, medicine, etc. that’s about 200 and I am adding each week to that since I will be moving soon.

I have a little over 1,000 for a wedding coming up to pay for my dress, the gift and then also that money will be for a vacation I’m taking in October.

I pay 200 a month for retirement into a Roth IRA and then save 23 percent Of my pay check into my 401k. I’m hoping to have a good amount by the time I am 60-65. I have about 20,000 right now maybe a little more.

I guess I would just want to know if I am on the right path and if there are other savings accounts I can create to help with saving more money.