Insecure man?

Okay so I’ve been talking to this guy for a couple of months now. And in the beginning it was fine but I’ve noticed now he’s become more suspicious of me??? Like granted yes, his past relationship he ended up being cheated on. Which is why whenever he questions me I try to reassure him and let him know what he’s thinking is not the case. But lately it’s gotten worse or better? Before it would happen often but it would be little things like “are you talking to anyone else?” “Do you still like me?” And now it doesn’t happen as often. But it’s little things like “Why did you take 15 minutes to reply?” And “how are you tired after going to sleep at this time? Were you up talking to someone?” And I can’t even talk to a friend without his first question being “is it a boy or girl?” These things were fine. They were annoying but they didn’t bother me as much.

But this past week has just— whew. Case one: I went out to get some hair and some food, he asked me who I was with? I responded without hesitation. My mom. Cause that’s who. We weren’t in a rush to get home so we took our time at the hair store and took our time deciding where to eat. That ended up almost being 2 hours. He did not appreciate this. He kept asking if I was home yet? And when I got home he demanded that I send him proof of either the salad or the hair. To which I denied. Maybe I’m overreacting but it felt controlling and an invasion of privacy in a way? And I feel that I did nothing wrong to feel the need to prove myself to him. Was it wrong of me to deny him? That’s my first question.

That day went on. We continued our routine. Then this happens. He’s upset that I didn’t want to have my location turned on for people to see on snap maps. I probably could’ve responded better but when it’s day after day of constantly being sused it gets tiring. I just feel like this behavior isn’t acceptable. I’ve told him that his insecurities are something that he himself has to deal with.

My question is, what’s another better way to explain that to him, and also does this sound like insecurities speaking or him being controlling? How do I as someones who’s not insecure reassure someone who is insecure? And also at the same time- how much reassurance is too much. (Basically how do I avoid babying him)

EDIT: Forgot to say lol. The “stalk your location” comment is because he has his location on in snaps and sometimes I check it. But to be fair I turned it on for him when he asked me if he could see my location. I don’t keep it on because I don’t like the other people knowing my location.