

Feeling the Braxton Hicks so often now. Pressure like I have to urinate every 2 mins.

Trying to just keep going but also feeling overwhelmed at the same time. I’ve gained so much weight (70lbs) and been on complete bed rest since Dec 10 due to major placenta Privea.

Maybe TMI but my partner and I have a very active sex life which is non existent rn since Dec 2nd. I mean ... we don’t have to have intercourse to be intimate but I do feel like I’m missing the closeness. My feet are so swollen and my heartburn is thru the roof! I have to sleep sitting up because of this and my sciatic. I absolutely have no energy left. I take 2 naps a day cuz I can’t even stay awake. I have no energy to do anything. And did I mention my anxiety when I don’t feel him move around. I’m so nervous that something could be wrong.

This is my third child. Mind you he’s my gap baby. My daughter is 23 and my son is 20. So this feels all so new to me.

Having my tubes tied when I was 27 and reversed when I was 40. We tried so hard for him. I know I need to just relax and try to enjoy this last led of the race.

Everyday is a new day and one day closer to meeting my little man!

I know it’s all worth it.

I just wanted to get that off my chest.

And share how I feel knowing that maybe another mama out there may feel the same and know that she is not alone.
