Born Saturday March 6th 5:56 am

Lilly • 30 𖣔 Wife to the best husband 𖣔 Mother to my 12 year old son and 17 month old daughter𖣔 A caring physician to the world 𖣔 TTC baby 3

Did some at home photoshoot with iPhone 12 Pro♥️😍

Baby Fajr is here! Fajr means dawn!

Had a very very very successful VBAC!

Previous c section 2008.

I was having a lot of false labor pains from 39 weeks and on, I had to go in once thinking it’s actual labor, contractions came every 2-3 min but bearable but my Ob said that I’m only 2 cm dilated so wait it out. I went home and kept myself hydrated and went to bed. The contractions went away. All day was contracting on and off. This went on for a week and I was getting exhausted.

I went in to the hospital at 40 weeks exactly due to contractions and less fetal movement. They hooked me up and did see my contractions but again I wasn’t dilated enough. They gave me options to go home and wait it out or to get induced. I didn’t want to go home because I have been contracting all week and got exhausted. We chose to get induced.

So it went like this...

Started off 2cm dilated - 50 percent effaced. I chose to get a foley ballon before getting pitocin. They placed in me and waiting for about 3 hours. OB came and checked if the foley had fallen out and yesss! I was now at 4.5 cm dilated. My contractions were bearable at this time and 2 min apart.

Next step we did a very low dose of pitocin. My contractions got a bit intense but again still bearable. We waiting for about 4 hours and then the doc came and checked and I was at 6cm dilation- 75 percent effaced.

She broke my water. That’s when the pain kicked in! I couldn’t handle it and quickly asked for epidural. The team came in quickly and finally felt more relaxed after. The epidural mostly worked but I could still feel contractions on my left side, not so intense but I knew when I was contracting. I felt a bunch of pressure and not pain. 2 hours into epidural, I felt like pooping when I contracted. Doc said that’s a good sign! She checked me and I was at 8 cm and 90 percent effaced. Baby station was -3.

We waited it out more, about 1 and half hour and I really had to push.

I called the nurses and did a few practice pushes. Baby was now 0 station.

Within 30 min of pushing, this little girl popped out! No stitches.

I was terrified to be induced, but they managed it so well! I’m so happy and blessed everything worked out! I was discharged next morning and walking and moving and able to take care of my

princess ♥️

A little of what I did throughout my pregnancy-

Nimra Ijaz diet- I had a very balanced diet throughout pregnancy. Nothing restricted but in portion. I gained 12 pounds throughout pregnancy.


I used the yoga ball a lot after 35 weeks.

Throughout my whole pregnancy I walked 10k steps a day. I used the app PACER to count steps.


At 37 weeks I started taking two evening prim oil a day and then at 39 weeks I took 2 orally and 2 vaginally. At 36 weeks and on I started drinking 2 cups of red leaf raspberry tea as well as 4 dates a day.