Husband gone a lot working, help

We had our son a month ago. He stayed home for a couple of weeks then had to go back. Ever since he has gone back he leaves at 7am and doesn’t come back until 9-10pm. I am home alone with our son all day. I get up early to feed him and do everything for the baby and dogs. By the time he comes home baby is usually asleep or almost asleep. I am doing everything around the house. Our son has also been sick so he has been super fussy and the days have been very very long. I have also been sick. He is home on weekends but he is so worn out for the week he basically just wants to sleep in until 11 and just play video games or sit all day so I am still doing it alone. With COVID we don’t have a lot of people over so I am struggling and lonely. I am barely keeping it together and I am not even back at work yet. Yes. I have talked to my husband many times. He is just so worn out that he is struggling to be present whenever he is here.

How do you handle the long days alone? Any advice for anyone who went through this? How did you handle all of this when you went back to work too? Any words of encouragement?