Going Crazy.

Be patient, this does get to no BFP, but some background first: I have been going through a fertility journey with my doctor for a few months now (2 years ttc this month). They haven't found anything and recently sent me for another vaginal ultrasound, this time 3D, to check the shape of the uterus because one technician thought it was off. I have had three ultrasounds, the first totally normal, nothing strange brought up about thickness and this was when it should be thickest, a day or two before AF. The second thought she saw it misshapen and a bit thicker than she expected but nothing alarming. The third, 3D with a doctor, said shape is normal (relief!) but that the lining was too thick (18 mm) and was confused no one had ever told me this was a problem before. This was a day before I was supposed to start so he said it is either pregnancy or a medical condition. Well, now I have missed my period for the first time ever. I am 6 days late, but three negative tests! Clear blue and another two other random companies. Took one two days ago on 4 days late period, and now two today on 6. I should be 18-20 DPO and everything says there should be a result by now. But I have never, ever been late or missed my period! And the ultra sound last week showed a lining consistent with early pregnancy. Going Crazy. Is it possible to be getting so many negatives at this point and still be pregnant. I am bloated, hungry, and tired, but nothing else really significant. Some very light nausia, but that could be a whole host of things. And it was only for like half and hour.