6+ months of trying for baby #2...


No such luck so far. I believe we conceived once but it didn’t stick and a few days after, I bled harder than usual. I never got a positive test so who can even say... I’m so discouraged and sad. My son is now 3 years old. He was not planned, but somehow I’ve had reproductive problems (one dr told me I had pcos and the second said he was nuts, that my ovaries were just polycystic not really a syndrome) I never went for more testing. The last one my current doctor (the second opinion) ordered another tv ultrasound and my right ovary was the worst of the two (the one that constantly gives me problems, especially on my period-excruciating) but said the cysts mostly went away since my last scan... just a little background info. But whatever is going on, I’m still having the hardest time conceiving. I’ve only been trying for about 7 months intentionally, but I have not been on birth control since I was a teenager (I’m 25) for more than 3 weeks (it was horrible on my body) but I’ve also had instances where I wasn’t the safest and nothing happened. Now that we’re trying to welcome a new baby into our family, it’s just heartbreaking to keep failing. It’s to the point of where we both want one so badly, but I just don’t know if I can keep getting my hopes up. I’m exhausted. I’ve been tracking on this <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">Glow app</a> and I even paid for premium... I tracked my ovulation and we have had ❤️🔥 3 days, multiple times and I have stayed still with legs up for a bit. I have been taking conception pills (Eu Natural Fertility Conception) for over a month now. I take prenatal gummies as well. I don’t smoke or drink. Neither does he. We’re both pretty healthy, as far as we know.. I’m almost 2 dpo right now. I promised I wouldn’t test until 21 days after. Just so I couldn’t go crazy over it. I mean am I doing something wrong? Does anybody have any advice? Or tips? Or even just a kind word to make me feel less depressed about this? I’m doing my best... I want so much to grow our family. Being a mommy is my favorite thing in my life. If I can’t carry a child again it again, that’s something that is really going to kill me inside. 😔 if anyone else is having similar problems please comment. I feel so alone