A question for the ladies who have miscarried and then conceived again..

My boyfriend and I experienced a miscarriage. Six months later we experienced a chemical pregnancy.

A week or so after the chemical pregnancy he completely lost his shit and freaked out on me. Yelling and belittling me in a way I didn’t know possible for him. That was the only time I’d ever experienced anything like that.

Anyways the next day he apologized.. told me that one of the reasons was due to experiencing another loss. I downplayed it to make him feel better and told him they don’t even count that as a pregnancy.

NOW TO THE POINT OF MY POST (sorry I just wanted to give that little bit of background information). If we ever conceive again I don’t know how I’d tell him. I want him involved from the beginning but I also don’t want to set him up for disappointment. A part of me would want to hide it until getting a few rounds of bloodwork to ensure that HCG levels were rising the way they were supposed to. Then another part of me feels that’s terrible because he would deserve to know and I never lie or keep things from him. I just don’t want to disappoint him with another loss.. and it sucks that I feel this way because he should be my rock through any situation we cross..

How would you ladies handle it? Would you keep it to yourself until getting a few rounds of levels or would you include him from the beginning?

Im just here for thoughts on how you’d handle it.