Single mom

So here I am sitting next to my daughter looking at courts to take her father to get child support (My daughter is six months old and I have never received any money from him even though he’s been in her life) or maybe even custody. This man has broken my character made me think less of myself and he’s put everything above his daughter and me. I tried talking to him but it’s always I don’t have money on top of him cheating on me and buying that girl roses After that same day he asked me for money when I’m the one putting clothes on his daughters back and food in her mouth and a roof over her head.I never thought I would be in this situation I remember I used To look at my mom and think that would never be me I would never have a child with somebody that wouldn’t be there. Now look at me alone and struggling. Of course my daughter is worth it but it’s just not where I seen my life I’m scared to go through quarts I’m scared to be a single mom I’m scared I won’t be enough and most of all I’m scared to be alone. I had moved to this town I’m leaving in a while back to take care of my dad who got gravely sick . My babies father was the first person I met here and he is still one of the only people I know here so I feel like if I don’t have him I won’t have anyone to talk to. But I realize I’m staying with him for all the wrong reasons. But looking at these court papers makes me get a sick feeling in my stomach. I’m not sure if I can do this if any of you ladies have ever felt like this please tell me y’all got through it.