Erika • Trevizo party of 6 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🤰🌿🦁🙏

Some of you might think I'm crazy, others might relate. I love my kids, i have an amazing husband who supports me working from home starting my own businesses during this pandemic. I've worked half of my life for someone else already and I don't want to go back to work, i don't want to leave my house and leave my family, this is what I love. So we decided to God lead the way and take out my IUD which I had put in after having been pregnant for 2 years straight having 2 under 2 didn't give me any room to even consider adding another to the mix so i go the IUD. NOW my youngest is about to turn 1 already, the other guy is 2 and my little girl is 14! Before I know it she'll be on her own, man does time fly!

I took out my birth control February 4th, 2021 (my mom's birthday) and started my period that same day. I bled really heavily and it lasted about a week, during my ovulation period, we had sex 2 times. And now I am 4 days late according to my app on my period!

Do you think it's time to take the test yet or should I wait?