do i have endometriosis?? (slight tmi)

So i have always had insane periods ever since i first got them as a teenager. I would easily fill up an Ultra tampon within an hour or less and my periods lasted a little over 14 days. I was on the birth control pill for a little bit went off of it because it made me depressed, so i had about a year of no form of birth control but I never got pregnant. Since then, I got the Kyleena iud and it has made my periods lighter but they are still around 12-15 days. The cramps though are what’s making me think I might have endometriosis. My cramps feel like I am in labor and the cramps come in about two minute contractions with about five minutes of rest in between, if that makes sense. Every month the cramps start about two weeks before my period and last until the end of my period and they are debilitating. It feels like someone is stabbing a knife specifically into my fallopian tubes, uterus, ovaries, and my anus. my pelvis also gets sharp pains that radiate towards my inner thighs. it hurts so bad that I can barely talk through them, i can’t sleep, and I can’t walk for the few minutes that they happen. caffeine also seems to make them worse. If im not having the contractions, then there is always a constant dull pain right around my uterus the weeks leading up to and the weeks of my period and i’m incredibly bloated to the point where i look six months pregnant. nothing seems to help them either, and I’ve tried Midol, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen but it still feels as if I had taken nothing. It only hurts sometimes during sex but I honestly don’t have sex that often so I don’t know. I also went in for an ultrasound because I had a large and worrisome clot come out and they notified me that i have a few cysts growing on my ovaries, but i’ve been to two obgyns and no one has ever mentioned anything. one of my doctors just thinks she should double up my birth control with pills to lessen the cramps... also i know it can be genetic but i haven’t asked any family members about it yet... so i thought i would ask on here to see if anyone had other ideas because im at a loss of what to do. thanks!