Feeling resentful- my bday

Today is my bday. My fiancé and I had been planning to go on a getaway for my bday weekend. Weeks ago he asked what I wanted to do for my bday. I told him I just wanted to drink and have lots of sex with him. We both live with our parents and we haven’t been intimate in months 😪. It’s extremely frustrating.

Anyway, we hadn’t booked anything yet but a week before my bday, his boss asked him if he would be willing to go on a trip out of town for 2 weeks. He’s new at his job so he said yea he’d be down to go. It all happened last minute. Of course I was crushed bc I was thinking we were going to finally be able to getaway and have sex and just relax and getaway from all the stress of work, of trying to buy a house in this crazy market, Covid stress, etc. he asked if we could celebrate my bday that night and the next and explained the whole work trip situation. I said yes. We had a nice celebration at my parents house, he cooked me steak and bought he flowers and a gift, made me a cocktail etc. But no sex obviously bc we were at my parents house. Not too much drinking bc I was on call for work.

Fast fwd to my actual bday. He’s been super busy at work. No bday text yet. He’s far away. I feel lonely. I feel hurt for some reason. I know we celebrated my bday and he tried his best but part of me is just so hurt bc it wasn’t what I wanted. I understand that he’s working and it’s important for him to make good impressions rn that he’s new. But idk. It’s my bday.