I’ve decided to get an abortion.

I told a few family members I was expecting weeks ago when I first found out naively.

At first I was overjoyed and happy to become a mom and have a baby, and thought about all the cute maternity photo shoots and baby shower ideas I had.

But a few days earlier, reality set in. I have no plan. No husband, no mental and emotional stability, no career, no degree. And not even that — I’m 30 days shy of my 21st birthday which I’m ecstatic for. A baby was never in my plans. I’m single. I don’t even have a boyfriend let alone a wedding ring, yeah I could choose to be a single mother and have my baby. But nothing is more mortifying and embarrassing to me then the thought of being big and pregnant and alone. Not only that but everybody I know would talk about me if I popped up pregnant especially when it’s known that I’m very single right now.

And for the worse part, I’m already overweight as it is. It’s a good chance I’ll be near 300 pounds at the end of my pregnancy if I carried to term not to mention I could die of preeclampsia while giving birth. I don’t want to be somebodies mother right now, cooped up in the house changing poopy diapers and listening to them cry. I don’t want an intimate connection with somebody right now where I’ll have to constantly worry about them or feel like I have to die for them.

Right now life is all about ME. I wake up worried about my next outfit, my next meal, MY money and MY bills. I’m in my prime right now, the whole thing would be killed if I had a baby as a single mother. My entire lifestyle would go down. I don’t even have a high school diploma. I don’t deserve to birth a baby into dysfunction with no father.

Yeah I could always do adoption. But why would I risk my life & mental state & getting to know a baby for 9 months just for me to give it away? Because somebody else will love it? Because I should give a person who can’t have babies a chance to love mine? PSH. I would never subject my baby to adoption or foster care, because I’m Hispanic — and there are tons of black and brown children who bounce around the system for years being abused and mistreated.

I hate having to do this, but the temporary discomfort I feel from this would never match up to the lifetime of hardship and dysfunction I would give my unborn.

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Posted at
Abortion & anonymous posts are not allowed. There’s groups where you can discuss your abortion decision.

Posted at
Have you posted in this group recently? This seems familiar. Controversy corner is not the right group as this is a banned topic....if you are looking for support you can post in the abortion support group 🤗


S • Mar 14, 2021
I remember a post like this asking if she should get an abortion recently. This is all around cringey


Posted at
Seriously, have you read a single forum rule, let alone the room rules? The way you’re phrasing much of this is very immature and, honestly, you’re probably a troll. It’s not okay to come in here and rile everyone up and upset the women struggling through infertility with your careless disregard.


Posted at
Well. Whatever you do do. If you not ready for babies please use the appropriate measures to keep yourself from even getting pregnant. A bc pill, condom, day after pill is much cheaper and emotionally sound than tormenting yourself like this. Be more responsible.


Posted at
That's fine 🤷🏻‍♀️


Posted at
I'm all for the right to choose, but this definitely reads like a troll.


Amber • Mar 14, 2021
Right. I thought that too. "Die of preeclampsia" got me. Uh huh. Rightttttt


Marie • Mar 14, 2021
Yep. The time this person spent this king of this and typing it out is really sad. 🤣


Posted at
Wrong group