Opinionated and Judging people

How do you handle it when family or others judge or tell you that you are just doing it all wrong? I feel like this is why so many have postpartum anxiety and depression.

The main people are my in laws. They have strong opinions and always think they are right. They came over and my son cries for about 15 mins in a total of 3 hours. They just kept saying I wasn’t doing it right. I was doing everything to try and soothe him. Later I set him down for a second to get his bottle ready. He cried. I picked him up and then gave him his bottle. Then I got the comments about letting him cry it out and how so am ruining him because now he knows if he cries then he eats. I get rude comments no matter how my baby is. It is non stop.

My son also seems to cry at the worst times around people. He can be so happy and playing for 4 hours and my mom calls and he cries until I hang up. He is totally fine and my dad comes over and instead he cries so much. I even called in a food pick up order and he woke up from a nap and started crying. The waitress even commented.

Now it seems like anytime I talk to any adult it is critiquing and telling me how I need to be better and stop his crying. He is a baby! He will cry sometimes to try to communicate. I instantly try to help and soothe him. This isn’t like he is crying for hours. How do you handle this without beating yourself up? It’s starting to make me feel like a horrible mom.