Using a known gifter (sperm donor)


So my wife and I have had a long journey to this point with two friends who offered to gift us their sperm but neither of them worked out. One was actually infertile and the other realised he wanted to have kids with his boyfriend to make their own family unit.

Anyway. We were just working out our feelings about using an unknown sperm donor (we don’t like the phrase donor so we use gifted instead) when two good friends of ours who are married with two children of their own hot in touch to ask how out parenthood journey was going. We explained we had come to a fork in the road and they said they had been thinking about offering to provide the sperm.

We are overjoyed! They want to try as naturally as possible so we can do at home insemination for a few months, or get help if it doesn’t happen.

Does anyone have any experience or tips for home insemination? Or experience of having a known spark gifter?

Thanks! ❤️