Splenectomy dog- still not eating

Ah well I went to go visit my old boy and he was definitely in better spirits today, but still is not eating. They are still doing syringe feeding every few hours.

They let me take him for a walk around the grounds and he had a nice poop (sorry for TMI but it shows there's no more blood in his system). The inflammation is also down.

He is still on a drip, but I want to ask them if I could possibly look at taking him home tomorrow or Wednesday. I work from home so can definitely do syringe feeding, he's not throwing up anymore, nor does he have diarrhea so that's a good sign. He was drinking plenty of water when he was home and I can add whatever I need to to it.

I left a pillowcase with our scents with him, but I'm sure that being home will help the recovery a lot too.