

I'm 32 weeks now and I feel really guilty complaining in any way.. but baby is really kicking in awful places. She's pressing on what I could imagine is my cervix and also kicking my lung area at the same time. I don't understand how she could be reaching both at the same time, unless she's floating around in there. Sometimes it hurts. Sometimes it just feels like discomfort. Sometimes it also feels like there is some cramping. Sometimes it feels as if she's going to bust out of my uterus like the Kool Aid guy.

When I had my son I don't remember ever feeling this way. Chiropractor said there's really nothing they can do. I just don't ever recall hearing anyone say they had pain from kicks, nor do I recall it personally from 3 years ago. Seeing the midwife on Friday but I'm sure I will get the same answer as chiropractor. Last time they checked baby was transverse, not breech or turned upside down. Straight across.

Anyone else have this happen? Does it get better?