I need advice

Let me just preface this by saying not in any way shape or form am i saying anything bad about my best friend in this post. This is all a me issue. But im 28 almost 29 weeks pregnant and lstley my hormones have been all over the place. My best friend and i have had a hard time since november when i found out im having a girl, she lost her daughter due to a miscarriage in the second trimester. Shes done so amazing at working thru her feelings and accepting the fact im having a girl and has been there for me as much as she can be. But latley my emotions and fears keep playing with me and convincing myself that one day shes gonna decide our friendship isnt worth the stress and steps we are taking to work thru our issues and shes gonna leave our friendship. Shes always been very open and she said that if she was gonna do that shed just tall me and she wouldnt still be talking to me almost 5 months later and buying my baby clothes and stuff. Shes doing everything she can to show me shes not going to leave but how do i calm my mind when i start panicking. Shes like my sister and weve been thru so much in 7 years that weve been friends. I dont tell her how u feel alot cause i dont want her feeling like shes not doing something right when she 100% is but i can feel myself being clingy and annoying and needing reassurance which i hate. Ive never been like this and this is my first pregnancy so all this is new to me. I just need tips to settle my mind down