IUGR at 36 weeks 5 days


My belly has been measuring small this whole pregnancy, her last growth ultrasound 5 weeks ago she was in 21%, when they pulled me in today she's at 17% weighing 5lbs 12 oz.

What concerned them is now her abdomen is measuring at 10%.

They diagnosed me with IUGR and sent me right up to L&D for NST.

I will now have twice weekly NST and weekly growth ultrasounds. And if she's fine they will induce me at 39 weeks.

I was not expecting this at all. I'm not sure how to feel about the Induction, and the fact if she fails one NST it's immediate Induction:( I'm trying to be postive that she will be fullterm on friday and hope she can stay inside for a few more weeks🤞🤞