Just need to vent

Casey • Due with baby #4 February 2024 💖💙 Logan Iris was born 3.31.21 🌈☘️Bailey Theresa was born and earned her wings 9.1.19 👼🏻💖 Dakota Kathleen was born on 9.1.19 and earned her wings on 9.3.19 👼🏻💖

Been feeling so overwhelmed and alone lately. My husband has been amazing and so supportive but he’s the only person who cares to know how I’m doing and how I’m holding up. Besides my mom. Really wish my friends or other family members would check in just to see if I’m okay or what’s going on. Hate feeling so disconnected and isolated.

Im almost 38 weeks and am super hormonal and ready for this baby to be here. No signs of her coming yet. Not dilated at all, not really any signs of labor, just braxton hicks. Just want my baby.