Second time is so much harder!
I just have to vent somewhere since my SO just doesn’t get it. I had my first baby when I was 17 and in a very bad relationship, but I had the support of my family.
My first boy was SUCH an easy baby. He slept through the night within the first 6 months and napped easily. He was always happy and fairly independent.
Now my second boy just turned 1 and I am exhausted! I am 30 now but in a much better relationship, financially stable, and again have a very supportive family. I don’t know if it’s because of covid that I’m having such issues with being stuck home all the time or what. But this little boy is horrible at sleeping. And will only nap when held or if you lay down with him. I can’t be out of his site for a minute without him melting down.
I am really tempted to go back to work to get some space but feel guilty putting my baby in daycare when financially I don’t need to be working right now.
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.