What to do with the baby?

Carrie • 💕46 1/2 yr old Mom of 6 Sunshines🌞, 1 Angel👼🏼 & 1 Rainbow 🌈
The hardest question to ask but needs to be so I'm trying to be super sensitive about it, even for myself. My friend lost her baby at 24 weeks & she had her cremated & she has her to be joined with her when her time comes. I've been given the option to also pick up my baby that I've lost at 20 weeks (yesterday) after the testing is complete, and then choose cremation or burial on our own, I guess. What have any of you done? I saw my baby so I have a hard time just leaving it & this is a choice I think will help me as well as my husband with closure etc. Please don't hold back on advice. Maybe others will benefit from my question too.