34 weeks

So last night I couldn't get comfortable well I finally went to sleep (was hard as heck to do but I did it🙃) well I woke up about 5-6 in the morning and was in SEVERE pain in my abdomin like period cramps but amplified both thighs went numb and and it made my back hurt

No matter how much I tried it just wouldn't go away I tried laying on both of my sides my back propping myself up standing for a bit I mean you name it I even tried drinking water and eating nothing worked

Finally after 2 hours it started to calm down but still felt the pain I finally slept till 12pm got up and all was fine

Has anybody had this happen before? I can't find anything online as to what it was

I hope I didn't hurt anything but not going to the hospital or my doctors 😕

It's been on my mind all day please help I will be calling my doctor tomorrow the 19th and telling her