Just doing my usual worrying.....


I am 20+1

Is it normal to not feel your baby every day? Or more one day and not very much the next? I get worried when I realize I haven't felt him all day....

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My doctor said today that it's totally normal this early to go multiple days without feeling baby move. Typically when I take a warm bath he will start moving around and kicking. Try not to worry mama! 


Posted at
Around that time I was only feeling the baby once in a day barely. Then I'd go 3-4 days without feeling a thing. Now I've felt her 5 days in a row and I'm 22 weeks.


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Baby is still pretty small and has lots of room to move. I had my anatomy scan today and she was just moving around but I wasn't feeling any of it. At first she wouldn't move for like a day or two and then I would feel her. It scared me at first an this is my third pregnancy. Lol. Don't worry to much momma. 


Posted at
Had the same thing happen around that time. I would actually go 2, sometimes 3 days without feeling anything. Now 22w2d and she is constantly on the move. 


Posted at
This is my second and I'm 20 weeks. I don't feel like when she moves up higher. When she moves down low I feel her. They have a lot of room to swim and tumble around in there right now! 


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Try drink cold water n lay down that will do the trick