Help training

So I have a two Danes, well one is a rotti and Dane mix and the other one is a full Great Dane.

We here my issues Cali my mix Dane is always pacing the house like always, I can’t get up without her thinking we are going outside or her following around everywhere it drives me nuts.

I know it sounds mean but this is constant like day and night pacing and pacing and all I hear is the clicking of her nails and paws on the floor.

My full Dane Zeus pees everywhere, if he’s excited or sad or scared he pees and a lot, I can take him out and he will pee a lot but I can’t correct him or train him without him peeing, for example.

I have been training them to leave the food and sit and then I tell them good job and go eat but Zeus sometimes won’t sit and attempts to sit but is peeing at the same time.

Today I go to Cali my mix and tell her to sit and give me paw and I gave her a treat and then I go to Zeus and tell him to sit and he’s wagging his tail and starts peeing everywhere and so I get upset like why are you peeing and he just gives me this sad look and I am just so over it.

I feel like he can be a good dog but it’s been months and he keeps peeing anytime I redirect or try and train him and happy or sad he keep peeing.

And Cali barks at everyone and then Zeus joins her and I tell them to stop but I am at the end of my ropes I feel like I am not enjoying them but keeping them alive. They eat good and sleep and pee and poop but that’s it I don’t enjoy them because they don’t listen and I can’t get them to listen with out Zeus peeing everywhere and Cali is so stubborn that even though she know not to do something she will do it to test boundaries and again drives me nuts. Also Zeus is 4 months and Cali is 8 months is that helps .