Am I the asshole?

My son is 5 months old and we visited his grandparents (dads side) last weekend.

They haven’t seen him for 2 months and of course.... he cried when they picked him up.

We have tried to go visit them, but one excuse my MIL gave was that she had a headache.

When he cried they got all butt hurt. I told them that we tried to come visit and didn’t feel bad that he didn’t remember them. (That part I know is assholey of me)

But he also doesn’t cry at strangers.

My MIL also tried to feed my child sweet potatoes that she made. My baby has a food allergy and can rash at any moment, so I didn’t appreciate this and told her that.

I’m also hurt bc when my son was born she was mad that we didn’t call her right away and practically hung up on my husband because of it. He has forgiven her, but honestly it still hurts my feelings as it’s her first grandchild.

There is much more to the story, but these are the highlights.

I feel like I shouldn’t have to go out of MY way for my son to have a relationship with them. He has a relationship with my parents because they make an effort to see him.

So am I the asshole?