Reaction to mirena ?


I’ve had my Mirena in for 5 month.

Had a good insertion experience, and only very minor cramping and bleeding afterwards.

Periods were normal for the first 3 months.

But then Last month I missed completely.. I’m now on cycle day 65 and have some light spotting/bleeding that started after “cuddles”, I’m having bowel issues, headaches and nausea.

I’ve done 4 pregnancy tests at various stages since I missed last month and all came back negative.

Could I be having a reaction to the levonorgestrel?

I have anxiety about a lot of things, and I keep getting in my own head that the tests were wrong and that the mirena may have failed.

The thought of another baby makes me sick to my stomach (all 3 of my kids have additional needs and medical conditions)..

I know I should make a drs appointment.

But has anyone had these symptoms with the mirena in under 6 months?